The New Playbook for Corporate Innovation

6 habits that make a difference

Master the art of corporate innovation and turn your ideas into real achievements with these six essential habits.

In today's fast-moving world, two quotes really hit the mark: Marc Andreessen’s “software is eating the world” and William Gibson’s “The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.” These ideas capture how quickly things are changing.

Companies face new challenges every day with shifting consumer preferences and tough competition. So, how can businesses not just keep up but actually lead the way? It’s not about flashy brainstorming sessions or hiring big consulting firms—what’s needed is a fresh approach to innovation.

1. Put the Customer First

Make sure everything you do is focused on your customers. Understand what they need, how they use your products, and what they really value. For example, Buffer’s CEO Joel Gascoigne says that their dedication to making their products top-notch is one of the main reasons they attract clients. They started with a deep focus on what users wanted and built from there.

2. Build the Right Team

Gather a team with diverse skills and experiences who are motivated to work together. It’s not just about having the right people but also creating a space where they can collaborate effectively. Think about how the team’s input and experiences can shape and improve the ideas you’re working on.

3. Be Creative, but Focused

Creativity is great, but it should be aimed at projects that have a clear benefit. Avoid chasing every new idea that pops up. Instead, direct your creativity towards solutions that offer real value and align with your business goals.

4. Create a Safe Space for Your Team

Make sure your team feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. This means paying attention to how decisions affect people and making sure everyone feels heard. When people feel safe, they’re more likely to share useful feedback and work together better.

5. Keep Your Team Aligned and Engaged

Large companies can sometimes end up working in silos. To prevent this, focus on keeping your team aligned with your company’s goals and engaged in their work. Use practices like flexible communication and regular updates to make sure everyone is on the same page.

6. Use Technology Smartly

Leverage technology to improve your operations and make data-driven decisions. This could involve automating routine tasks or using analytics to understand market trends. The key is to use technology in a way that helps your team be more effective and informed.

By integrating these six habits into your approach, you can better position your organization to turn ideas into successful innovations. Remember, innovation isn’t just about having great ideas—it’s about consistently applying these habits to drive real change and achieve success.